




Blessings on All Silent Knights,


Mo and I want you to know that your personal anonymous acts as Silent Knights bless us with each story you share with us. We have heard from Silent Knights from coast to coast in the United States, Belgium, Sweden, Ireland, Austria, the Philippines, and Australia in the past year. We continue to grow in numbers and effect in His Name.


Being a Silent Knight is about heart, empathy, and desire to serve Christ in the way he instructed us. We seek to serve the less fortunate and suffering within our reach, mostly in small financial, but meaningful, ways either by meeting a specific need or sending anonymous words of encouragement with the knowledge that Silent Knights are praying for their situation.  


We need to form groups of likeminded servants, meet once a month, and nominate needs within the community that we can meet. Each of you should make it your quest to inspire others to serve in this selfless Biblical way. You can make a difference for many should you choose to embark on this quest.


That is my challenge for each of you this Christmas season. I know it will be a blessing to you and those you serve and your life will be better for it.


Merry Christmas to all of you. Whether you have performed one Silent Knight anonymous act or a hundred, we love you for your desire to serve Him. Mo and I pray you are blessed this Christmas and into the new year.



Non Nobis Domine, Non Nobis,


Colonel (Ret.) Craig L. Carlson, USA, GMTJ, CMTJ, KSG

Prior XV, Saint King Charles the Martyr
